Mrs Sherriff |
Teacher |
Mrs Devine | Teaching Assistant |
Ms Collins | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Sherriff |
Teacher |
Mrs Devine | Teaching Assistant |
Ms Collins | Teaching Assistant |
Literacy- Key texts |
![]() ![]() This half term, we will read the texts ‘I can fly’ by Fifi Kuo and ‘Bear snores on’ by Karma Wilson & Jane Chapman. Using these stories, we will talk about and show understanding of what Is happening, with the help of the pictures. The children will engage in conversations about stories and non-fiction texts, learning new vocabulary. Children will continue to develop an understanding of the five key concepts about print: handle books carefully & correctly, name some book parts, know that print has meaning and begin to understand the difference between a word and a letter In reading children will learn to follow the print from left to right, begin to use 1-1 correspondence and know where to start reading. In writing children will learn to add some marks to their drawings, which they give meaning to, begin to use some print/letter knowledge in writing and engage in purposeful writing. During phonics the children will learn to listen to, remember and talk about different sounds: Environmental Sounds, Instrumental Sounds and Body Percussion. The children will continue to enjoy and join in with rhymes and songs. We will begin to develop an awareness of words that sound the same and identify / hear initial sounds in words. |
In Maths, children will learn to recognise 3 dots, like they see on a die, without counting them and in different arrangements. We will be learning about Subitising – developing fast recognition of up to 3 objects, without having to count them individually. Children will learn to recognise when there are 3 dots, even if they are different sizes.
The children will look at the numeral and composition of numbers 3, 4 and 5 and learn what each number represents. The children will learn to recognise squares, rectangles, triangles and pentagons and learn about their properties. The children will learn that the last number reached when counting a small set of objects tells you how many there are in total (‘cardinal principle’). |
Understanding the World (UW)
We will be discussing activities/experiences from the past. You can share some of these events on tapestry or bring in photos. We will be sharing weekend activities and look at the daily calendar as part of our routines. We will be learning facts about different types of bears and their habitats. We will also be learning about Penguins.
We will be discussing Winter and what is happening to our physical environment. We will be exploring our school grounds and looking for signs of winter outside. We will also be learning about the festival of the Lunar New year. We will be discussing that people celebrate different festivals and looking at similarities and differences. |
Personal, social and emotional development (PSE)
![]() We will be focusing on getting dressed for the Winter weather. We will be encouraging the children to put on their rain suit/coat and wellies. It would be really helpful if you could practise this at home. We will also continue to work on the importance of sharing resources and building up relationships with familiar adults and other children. |
Physical Development |
This half term the children will continue to develop ball skills – rolling, kicking and throwing. They will use large-muscle movements to paint and make marks
They will show increasing independence when getting dressed and undressed. The children will continue to develop their skills using some one-handed tools and equipment e.g. writing / mark making tools, scissor and they will continue to develop a comfortable grip for writing and drawing.
Important Dates |
Curriculum Overview - Printable Version
Spring 1