Year 2

Year 2


Miss Kaye Teacher – Class 2EK
Mrs Dudgeon Teacher – Class 2SD
Ms Allen Key Stage 1 Teaching Assistant Lead
Ms E Carroll Teaching Assistant
Ms J Summerfield Teaching Assistant

Curriculum Overview – Spring 1


This term our whole school topic is ‘Our World’. In year 2 we will be researching and answering the question ‘is Pointe-A-Pierre, Trinidad similar/different to Chorlton, UK?’

Using the story ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin as a stimulus, we will learn the 7 continents of the world and locate Trinidad and Tobago on a map. We will learn the difference between weather and climate, how these differ in both Trinidad and the UK and how this affects what can grow in certain locations. Referring back to our previous unit of work, we will identify the similarities and differences between the human and physical features in Trinidad and Chorlton. We will learn about what oil is and how this natural resource is used.


This half term, we will read two texts; ‘Dear Dinosaur’ by Chae Strathie and ‘Where My Wellies Take Me’ by Clare and Michael Morpurgo.

Using these texts, we develop our ability to use commas in lists, the conjunctions but, or, because and so,  using -ly to turn adjectives into adverbs and use of the suffixes -er and -est. Using ‘Dear Dinosaur’, the children will learn how to write letters, and using ‘Where My Wellies Take me’ we will be writing a recount based on personal experience.


In guided reading, we will continue to develop children’s decoding strategies to support their reading, encourage children to listen to their own voice and develop children’s ability to answer inference and retrieval questions of any given text.

In phonics, we will continue learning the extended code, deepening our knowledge of spellings and sounds. We will be covering /oe/ as in ‘sew’, /n/ as in ‘now’, /er/ as in ‘bird’, /v/ as in ‘van’ and /oo/ as in ‘moon.’

In handwriting, we will continue to practice forming lowercase letters of the correct size relative to one another and start to use some of the diagonal and horizontal stroked needed to join.


Place Value – We will learn to identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, including the number line as well as counting in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number, forward and backward. We will then use our knowledge of place value and number facts to solve problems.

Number (+ & – x ÷) – We will recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems. We will add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including: two two-digit numbers and adding three one-digit numbers as well as solving problems involving multiplication and division. We will use all of this knowledge to help us to solve reasoning problems.

Geometry – We will compare, sort, identify and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes including (for 3-D shapes) the number of edges, vertices and faces.


Science – Animals including Humans

In science we will learn about the importance of exercise and a healthy diet for humans as well as understanding the basic needs that animals need to survive: feeding, breathing and drinking. We will notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults. We will learn that in humans and some animals, these offspring will be young, such as babies or kittens, that grow into adults and in other animals, such as chickens or insects, lay eggs that hatch to young or other stages which then grow to adults, paying attention to how the young of some animals do not look like their parents e.g. tadpoles. We will also be finding out about how good hygiene is important in order to prevent infections and illnesses.

Other Curriculum Areas

RE – Who is Jewish and what do they believe?

DT– Food – A balanced diet. Learning about the different food groups and what a balanced diet is. We will then look at how to prepare food safely, tasting food and then planning and making our own wrap.

Music – ‘I wanna play in a band’ song. We will be looking at rhythm and pulse and giving our opinion on different types of music. We will be performing our song at the end of the unit.

PE – Gymnastics and movement skills.

PSHCE – Healthy lifestyles. Looking at food we should eat a little of, some of and a lot of. The importance of being active and how we can prevent disease spreading by keeping ourselves clean.

Computing – Pictograms. Learning how to collect data in the form of a tally chart and present the data using software and then using this to answer questions.


Computing – Information Technology around us.

Empowering Learning Skills


This half term we will be focussing on a skill per week. We will be praising children when they display one of these skills and explicitly modelling the skill to the class.

Week 1: Team Workers

Week 2: Reflective Learners

Week 3: Effective Participators

Week 4: Self-Managers

Week 5: Resourceful Thinkers

Week 6: Independent Enquirers

UN Convention of the Rights of the Child

Each week we have a focus ‘Article of the Week’. We focus on this in a weekly assembly and in follow up classroom activities. We are taking part in Outright 24-25 – ‘Change making’.

In response to collecting the views of the children, our Rights Respecting council have a lot planned over the Spring term including:

  • Eco re-fill shop project (more information to come)
  • Great British Spring Clean
  • Contact local MP – our children think there should be more bins/dog waste bins in Chorlton
  • Set up a school book swap
  • Our councillors will lead school assemblies on conflict resolution and kindness


Important Dates


Place2be Mental Health Week- Week beginning 3rd Feb

Safer Internet Week- Week beginning 10th Feb

House Team Meet- Fri 14th Feb (come to school wearing your house colours)

Spring 1 ends- Fri 14th Feb (Half-Term Mon 17th Feb- Fri 21st Feb)


Class Handbook

Curriculum Overview - Printable Version

Autumn 2

Meet the Team

September 2024

SATs and Assessment – Information for Parents


KS1 Assessment

Government information for parents


Parent leaflet


Guide for parents