Geography – Regions of the UK
In Geography for the Our World unit, we will focus on Regions of the UK with a focus on the North West. We will identify human and physical characteristics and different topographical features (hills, mountains, coasts and rivers), investigate different types of settlements and the significance of water for these settlements, compare the North West with different regions and look at how land use in Manchester has changed over the years.
Our writing focus in Spring 1 will be the book George’s Marvellous Medicine. Within the half term, we will look at writing instructions for our own Marvellous Medicines using adverbs, adjectives and subordinate clauses to add detail to the instructions. We will then learn about advertising and create an advert for our own version of George’s medicine. This will involve discussions around how adverts persuade us to purchase products and what are the most common features that persuade such as rhetorical questions, exaggeration, alliteration and snappy slogans. We will finish the unit with a piece of descriptive writing following George on his journey through Grandma’s house to gather his ingredients for his marvellous medicine. |
In Maths, this term we will be reviewing Place Value (comparing and ordering numbers to 1000 and completing number sequences). We will move onto a more problem solving approach for these skills. We will revisit the four written methods (column add, column subtract, multiplying using the grid method, division using the bus stop method). Again, we will be moving into more problem solving activities for the methods. We will then be exploring fractions looking at identifying, adding and subtracting and ordering fractions. We will also introduce equivalent fractions. We will move on to learn about Money and Time. Within Money, we will be investigating and identifying amounts, calculating amounts and problem solving and within Time, we are looking at telling the time to the nearest minute focusing mainly around the analogue clock. |
In Science, we will be investigating nutrition and healthy eating. In this topic, we will learn about the 5 food groups in the food pyramid, which foods provide different nutrients, vitamins and minerals. We will also be looking at why our bodies need nutrients and minerals and exploring different types of diets.
Other Curriculum Areas
RE – Why do people pray? (Faiths: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism)
Design Technology- Designing and building a toy that uses a pneumatic system.
Music – Recorders / glockenspiels
Singing – Three Little Birds
PE – Bollywood Dancing
PSHE – Healthy Lifestyles
Computing – Sequencing sounds
French – Les Instruments |
Empowering Learning Skills
This half term in LKS2, we will continue to teach the
children about each of the empowering learning skills and
how to demonstrate these skills in school. A particular
area of focus will be ‘Reflective Learner’: To value and use
feedback in lessons or in their books, to help them to
improve and be more effective.

UN Convention of the Rights of the Child
Each week we have a focus ‘Article of the Week’. We focus on this in a weekly assembly and in follow up classroom activities.
We are taking part in Outright 24-25 – ‘Change making’.
In response to collecting the views of the children, our Rights Respecting council have a lot planned over the Spring term including:
- Eco re-fill shop project (more information to come)
- Great British Spring Clean
- Contact local MP – our children think there should be more bins/dog waste bins in Chorlton
- Set up a school book swap
Our councillors will lead school assemblies on conflict resolution and kindness
Important Dates
Week beginning 3rd Feb- Place2be Mental Health Week
6-10th Feb – Safer Internet Week
House Team Meet- Fri 14th Feb (come to school wearing your house colours)
Spring 1 ends- Fri 14th Feb (Half-Term Mon 17th Feb- Fri 21st Feb)
Class Assembly 3KW: 26th March 2024
Class Assembly 3MC: 27th March 2024 |