History – Legacy of Monarchy
In our history topic this term ‘Power and the struggle for control: The life and times of Charles l’ the children will learn about who King Charles I was and why his reign was turbulent from the start. They will understand the causes of the English civil war, why the Royalists and Parliamentarians disagreed and the role of Oliver Cromwell. They will learn that King Charles I was tried for high treason and the legacy of this period of British history. The children will examine and discuss a wealth of historical sources and will learn to understand how historian’s use these to piece together information about the past.
Year 4 writing will be based on two books this term. Children will write a biography based on the main character in The Matchbox Diary by Paul Fleischman and will create descriptive, underwater descriptive pieces based on the images in Flotsam by David Wiesner.
Our guided reading text is The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo. Children will be working on improving fluency, text retrieval and inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying these inferences with evidence.
Spelling lessons will focus on more key year 4 spelling rules (suffixes -ation, -ly, -lly and where ‘ch’ makes a /sh/ sound) which will be practised through a range of activities and strategies.
In handwriting lessons, fluency and speed of cursive joining will be practised across the week, as the children aim to earn their pen licences. |
In maths, the term will begin with division and then fractions where the children will learn to identify equivalent fractions, calculate quantities and add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. Other mathematics concepts covered this half term include coordinates in geometry, pictograms and tables in statistics and money, length and time in measurements. Knowledge will be applied in a range of problem based reasoning questions. |
Children will identify how sounds are made, associating them with something vibrating. This half term’s investigations will find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it, and between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.
Other Curriculum Areas
RE – Christianity. Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?
DT – Structure: Pavilions. Children will create free-standing frame structures of different shapes and sizes and design a pavilion that is strong, stable and aesthetically pleasing using a variety of materials and techniques.
Music – a unit that introduces the children to learning about the language of music through playing the glockenspiel.
PE – Swimming and tag rugby
PSHCE – Keeping safe
Computing – Audio Production – creating and recording a podcast
French – As-tu un animal? – In this unit children will learn the names of 8 pets and will be able to say whether they have a pet or not. They will also use connectives and and but to extend their sentences. |
Empowering Learning Skills
This half term in lower key stage 2, we will continue teaching ‘Empowering Learning Skills’. It is important that we explicitly teach children about these behaviours to support their learning in school. Each week in assembly, we will discuss the characteristics of a learning behaviour and celebrate children for their progress. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the empowering learning skills and answer questions at progress meetings on 12th and 14th Nov.
UN Convention of the Rights of the Child
Each week we have a focus ‘Article of the Week’. We focus on this in a weekly assembly and in follow up classroom activities. Some of the themes and related articles for this half term are ‘Remembrance’,’ Anti-bullying’ and ‘World Children’s Day’.
We are taking part in Outright 24-25. The focus of this will be learning about democracy and global citizenship. We will also be thinking about how we can speak out and take action and we will be learning about children and young people who are doing the same. |
Important Dates
SEND progress meetings: Week beginning 4th November- please book a meeting time with the teacher if you have not already
Anti-Bullying week– 11th November
Children in Need– 15th November
Progress Evenings: 3:45- 7pm Tuesday 12th November (face to face meetings)/3:45- 6pm Thursday 14th November (virtual meetings) This will be to discuss the progress your child is making . Please book a meeting time if you have not already.
Pre-loved Christmas jumper sale: Week beg 2nd December
Christmas lunch: 19th December
End of term: 2pm, 20th December.
Spring term starts 6th Jan 2024 |