Year 4

Year 4


Ms Faulder Teacher – Class 4SF
Assistant Headteacher – LKS2
Mr Sumner Teacher – Class 4CS
Miss Krell Teaching Assistant
Miss Wainwright Teaching Assistant
Miss Rozario Teaching Assistant

Curriculum Overview – Summer 2


In geography, our school-wide unit this half term is entitled ‘Our Planet’. In year 4, we will learn about greenhouse gas emissions and how they have an impact on the climate and the world around us. We will learn what is meant by climate change and learn about its effect.  The children will begin to notice the relationship between the changing climate and natural disasters that happen across the world, including floods and forest fires




This half term, the children will study The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe. After reading and exploring the text through a variety of discussion, drama and writing opportunities, the children will write their very own adventure narrative. The children will learn how vary their sentence types to engage the reader and create suspense. This half term we have a proofreading and editing focus, where children will practise reading their work carefully for effectiveness, before making the necessary revisions.  In our guided reading lessons, the children will focus on inference skills, prediction, summarising and sequencing.



In this final half term, we will be looking at the different metric measures for mass and capacity, as well as extending our understanding of converting and comparing different measures for money and time.  We will also be consolidating our times tables knowledge to help us multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by a single digit, using the formal written method.  We will identify and compare acute and obtuse angles and learn to read discrete and continuous data, solving comparison, sum and difference problems in bar charts, pictograms, tables and line graphs.


In science we will be studying living things and their habitats.  We will begin by recognising that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways according to their features.  We will explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment.  Finally, we aim to recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose danger to living things.


Other Curriculum Areas

RE – We will be asking the question, ‘Why do some people think that life is a journey?’  In which we will be looking at how different religions hold significant ceremonies to celebrate key moments in our lives.

Art- ‘Sculpture, structure, inventiveness and determination’ – discovering what artists learn from nature, drawing from objects from like natural world like bird’s nests.

Music – ‘Reflect, Rewind and Replay’ – We will be using music software Charanga to revisit and consolidate the learning that has taken place over the year.

PE – Our swimming lessons will continue, along with tennis sessions with the coach

PSHCE – A focus on transition into year 5

Computing – We will be looking at photo editing.  Children will develop their understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited, and how they can then be resaved and reused.

They will consider the impact that editing images can have and evaluate the effectiveness of their choices.

French – Quel temps fait-il? – the children will will recognise and recall 9 different weather phrases and learn how to read a weather map to be able describe the weather in different parts of the country whilst pretending to be a French weather presenter!



Behaviour and Attitudes

This half term we have a school-wide focus on transition. Through discussion and collaboration, the children will have the opportunity to share any questions or worries they may have about transition into year 5, as well as looking forward to the next part of their primary education and the new and exciting challenges ahead. We will discuss the expectations and responsibilities of being in year 5 and the importance of mental well-being and mindset.



UN Convention of the Rights of the Child

Outright 2024-

Children at Brookburn would like to make their voices heard and take action related to the following issues:


  • The environment and climate change

The cost of living crisis and homelessness


Article 2- The convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.


Article 12- Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.



Article 28- Every child has the right to an education.




Article 31- Every child has the right to relax and play.


Important Dates

Summer 2

  • Term starts 3rd June
  • No swimming: 12th June
  • Parent digital workshop – 17th June 6-7pm (delivered by Kat Howard, Smoothwall)

(Up to date information, advice and guidance regarding online safety at home-

  • Year 3 &4 sports day – 2nd July- 2-3:30pm (Reserve 4th July)
  • Class photos- 5th July
  • Transition morning – 10th July and opportunity to visit your child’s new classroom at the end of the day.
  • End of year reports – 12th July
  • Summer Fair- 12th July (3:30-6pm)

End of school year – 2pm 19th July


Curriculum Overview - Printable Version

Summer 2

Year 4 Swimming Lessons