Year 6

Year 6


Mr Shurlock Teacher – Class 6MS
Miss Taylor Teacher – Class 6NT
Dr Elderfield Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistant Lead
Mr Marsh Teaching Assistant
Mrs Pereira Teaching Assistant
Mr Zakaria-Welburn Teaching Assistant
Miss Rozario Learning Mentor

Curriculum Overview – Autumn 2

History- Legacy of Monarchy


Changing power and control over England

The changing power of monarchs from William I to Charles III. We will use case studies such as King John, Queen Anne and Queen Victoria. We will answer key questions such as how the Magna Carta changed monarchy in Britain and develop an understanding of how Queen Victoria shaped a new role for British Monarchy after parliament were given more power.



Each pupil will enter the BBC’s 500 word story competition before  moving on to ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. After that, we will be looking at the life and writing of Charles Dickens. We will create a biography of Dickens and write a character description of Scrooge. Bah humbug!



We will be revising how to use long division efficiently. We will also revise area and perimeter; 2D and 3D shape; four-quadrant coordinates; line graphs and conversion tables.

We will then use this knowledge to solve mathematical problems and explain our understanding. We will continue to practise our times-tables and fundamental arithmetics skills. We will continue to use Mathletics to set homework as well as explore new areas of maths and revise what we have already covered.


Electricity – We will be doing lots of investigations through building circuits. Pupils will be able to associate the brightness of a lamp – or the volume of a buzzer – with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit. They will compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches.  They will use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram. The non-fiction writers award this term will be selected from our science writing.


Other Curriculum Areas

Art 2D Drawing to 3D Making – Exploring how 2D drawings can be transformed to 3D objects. The children will develop their drawings through collage and construction to transform them into sculptures.

Music – Classroom Jazz (nice!) – All the learning is focused around two tunes and improvising: Bacharach Anorak and Meet The Blues.

PE – Tag Rugby –  focused on team-work to prevent the opposition from scoring
Dance – creating a sequence of moves that express the themes of our History topic.

PSHE – Keeping Safe – Being aware of Drugs, Recognising and managing peer influence and First Aid and basic techniques for common injuries.

RE – What it means to be a Muslim in Britain today

Computing –  an introduction to the creation of websites for a chosen purpose. We will identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate our own website.

French – Manger et Bouger – In this unit children will learn the names of 10 healthy and 10 unhealthy food/drinks.  They will revise the partitive article and will learn key phrases for healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. Children will also learn how to follow a healthy recipe in French.

Empowering Learning Skills

This half term in Upper Key Stage 2, we will continue to teach ‘Empowering Learning Skills’.  It is important that we explicitly teach children about these behaviours to support their learning in school. Each week we will choose a specific learning behaviour that we will focus on as a key stage.  In class, we will discuss how children can demonstrate these learning skills and what this should look like in Year 6.  This half term, our celebration assembly will also have a focus on ‘Empowering Learning Skills’.

UN Convention of the Rights of the Child

Each week we have a focus ‘Article of the Week’. We focus on this in a weekly assembly and in follow up classroom activities. Some of the themes and related articles for this half term are ‘Remembrance’,’ Anti-bullying’ and ‘World Children’s Day’.

We are taking part in Outright 24-25. The focus of this will be learning about democracy and global citizenship. We will also be thinking about how we can speak out and take action and we will be learning about children and young people who are doing the same.


Important Dates

Wed 30th Oct – Wed 6th Nov Assessment Week

Tue 5th Nov – Sportshall Athletics @ Loretto

Wed 6th Nov – Tennis @ Will Hulme  & SEND progress meetings

Monday 11th Nov – XC Manchester Finals @ Wythenshawe & Anti-Bullying week

– 15th November

Tue 12th Nov – Pupil Progress meetings 3:45- 7:00pm

Wed 13th Nov  – Cinema trip

Thu 14th Nov – Pupil Progress meetings 3:45- 6:00pm

Fri 15th Nov –  Children in Need

Tue 19th Nov – Football @CHS

Mon 2nd Dec – Futsal @ Platt Lane & Pre-loved Christmas Jumper Sale

Mon 9th Dec – Futsal @ Platt Lane

Thu 19th Dec – Christmas Lunch

Fri 20th Dec – End of term @ 2pm

Mon 6th Jan 2025 – School restarts


Class Handbook

Curriculum Overview - Printable Version

Autumn 2

Meet the Team

SATs Information



Information from the Government regarding SATs


Guidance for parents


Parent leaflet

SPAG - Glossary help for parents

SATs - Maths help for parents