PE and Sports

PE and Sports

Brookburn’s Intent

Physical Education is a vital part of every child’s development. At Brookburn Primary, movement matters; within PE lessons and across the wider curriculum and school day. Our school values are reflected in the inclusive and active units of work included in our PE curriculum.

We aim to give all pupils a secure foundation of skills and knowledge to prepare them for life beyond Brookburn. This promotes a positive experience of physical education, school sport and physical activity, leading pupils to go onto healthy, happy and active lives.

Our broad and balanced curriculum  aims to:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities,
  • sustain physical activity for sustained periods of time,
  • engage pupils in competitive sports and activities,
  • teach pupils how to lead healthy, active lives.


We aim to emphasise the Education in PE as much as the Physical.


Our Implementation

Our long plan comprises specifically chosen units of PE that build upon skills and knowledge from EYFS through to KS2. These are taught throughout the year to ensure that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met.

We utilise a software programme to: organise our planning; record assessment and capture evidence.

Pupils take part in two PE lessons each week. This is in addition to other opportunities to be active before, during and after the school day.

Our curriculum develops 7 key skills from EYFS to KS2:

  • Non-locomotor
  • Locomotor
  • Object manipulation
  • Implement manipulation
  • Strategic thinking
  • Combinations
  • Expressive and interpretative

In order to deliver this, we make use of the facilities, expertise and resources available to us. In EYFS fundamentals of movement are taught alongside social and cognitive skills to meet the ELGs. In KS1 fundamental skills continue to be taught and then applied within a small range of modified sports. In KS2 a range of recognisable sports are used as vessels with which to deliver the learning objectives.

Pupils who are unable to participate in certain activities remain involved in the learning of our lessons. This may include roles such as: umpire, time- or score- keeper, coach or videographer.

We have a focus on swimming in Year 4, where pupils are taught by swimming specialists in a purpose built facility. In response to the recent global pandemic, we aspire to a more responsive model of access to swimming education to ensure every pupil leaves Year 6 with a competent level in the three key swimming outcomes.



Pupils at our school enjoy PE and many participate in organised sport and physical activity beyond the school day. The achievement of all our pupils is recognised and valued.

Ongoing formative assessment throughout our lessons, and summative Teacher/Coach assessments at the end of each unit – alongside evidence from learning walks, pupil interviews and staff feedback – demonstrates that our pupils are developing their physical literacy and understanding of the subject.

Formative assessment informs verbal feedback given to pupils. This will include specific targets for improvement alongside support and challenge for pupils by manipulation of:

  • Space
  • Task
  • Equipment
  • People

Assessment data helps  inform our teaching and the readiness of pupils to progress to the next stage of their learning. Parents are informed of the attainment and achievement of their children in annual reports.

Our curriculum map and progression of skills documents are available as points of reference via the PE Passport website.

Ultimately, our curriculum prepares our pupils to lead healthy, happy, active lives.


PE Coverage, Scope and Sequencing Summary