Religious Education


Brookburn’s Intent

At Brookburn, we follow the Manchester Agreed Syllabus. Our Religious Education curriculum is shaped around three areas – Believing, Expressing and Living. The curriculum is designed to ask thought-provoking and challenging questions about life and world views, and offers an inclusive education to all of our pupils, whatever their personal world views might be. Our aim is to prepare our pupils for active citizenship in a diverse and rapidly changing world, exploring some aspects of British values in relation to religions and beliefs.

Our RE curriculum creates opportunities for all learners to share their own experiences and beliefs and to learn from one another and the religions and beliefs within our community. It also gives pupils the opportunity to explore their own thoughts and beliefs with regards to religion and world views. Our curriculum supports children to develop positive attitudes of respect and tolerance towards others.

RE promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children, whilst also helping to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.


Our Implementation

The RE Curriculum at Brookburn follows the Manchester Agreed Syllabus which is a collaboration between 5 Greater Manchester authorities and is supported by Manchester SACRE. 

RE is taught discretely either through weekly lessons, blocks of lessons or RE Days/Weeks as decided by each year group under guidance from the co-ordinator. RE lessons build upon prior learning and develop skills year on year. 



Through our teaching and delivery of RE at Brookburn, our children have a better understanding of religions in the UK and in particular, the religions that feature prominently in their local communities. Pupils can articulate their own ideas about religion, belief and spirituality. They gain a deeper understanding of beliefs and practices which enable children to arrive at an informed and empathetic understanding of different groups which will help promote community cohesion and integration.

Enjoyment of the RE Curriculum taught promotes confidence, creativity and inquisitiveness in the children and an understanding of how their learning can help them in their own decision making and future. 


RE Coverage and Sequencing

"RE helps children and young people become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens."

Department for children, schools and families