Academy Council

Academy Council

On the 1st April 2017  Brookburn Primary School joined with Barlow Hall Primary School in Chorlton to form LINK Learning Trust, a Multi-Academy Trust, (MAT), which allowed both schools to retain their unique identity and be governed by their own Academy Councils. The MAT has a Trust Board, known as LINK Learning Trust Board which is responsible for the overall strategic direction of the Trust. Academy Councils represent the individual schools within the Trust. The Trust’s Scheme of Delegation outlines the responsibilities held by the Trust Board and that of the Academy Council at Brookburn.

Our school’s Academy Council is a voluntary group of members who are responsible, alongside LINK Learning Trust, for the strategic direction of our school. Academy Council members are responsible for some decisions about the school and its future. The Head of School is responsible for the day to day running of the school.


Academy Council Members

Jen Barker (Chair): Parent Governor
Kelly Gore: Parent Governor
James Leach: Parent Governor
Colin Macfarlane: Parent Governor
Larry Wilson: Appointed Governor
Jen Holden: Staff Governor
Bethan Owen: Staff Governor
Matthew Shurlock : Staff Governor

Academy Council Minutes are available upon request. Please email to request a copy if required.