Link Learning Trust
Brookburn Primary School is one of the two founding schools of the LINK Learning Trust,(LLT), which, along with Barlow Hall Primary School in Chorlton, joined together to form a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) which promotes a set of values and a vision for all of its children which we hope will enhance and inspire the lives of not only the children who attend our school but their families and the wider community.
We would like all our children, irrespective of background or special need, to be prepared for success in their future lives.
We will achieve this by nurturing and developing their achievement, their experiences and their skills and we will provide the skills and knowledge needed to promote growth mindsets and build resilience in our children

Our values, mission and goals
Our vision
- Learning together
- Inspiring each other
- Nurturing and valuing
- Knowledge that builds futures
Our mission
We provide an inspirational experience that develops imaginative learners who take ownership of their learning, are proud of their achievements, and are prepared for a life in modern Britain.
Our goals
Parents will want their children to be educated at one of our MAT schools because we:
- Develop good citizens
- Ignite learning and promote excellent teaching
- Grow exceptional leaders
- Focus on performance
- Provide public value
Our Values
Our values are embedded through every layer of governance and drive everything we do.
- Academic Excellence, ensuring that any child, no matter what their background or individual needs are as successful as they can be.
- Empowering learning skills, we develop personal and social behaviours to support children through their primary years and to support effective life-long skills so they are self managers, resourceful thinkers, independent enquirers, team workers, reflective learners and effective participators.
- Respect, this aligns with our Rights Respecting curriculum and underpins everything we do.
- Physical well-being, a curriculum and mindset to supports children’s health, well-being and sets lifetime habits.
- Global citizenship, teaching our children about the world and their important place within it. Developing children’s awareness of their role and the positive impact they can have.
- Mental well-being and mindset, developing happy, secure and confident children who work with resilience and determination.
- Creativity and the arts, to support children to process complex emotions to support increased self-awareness, enjoyment, imagination and understanding.
Brookburn’s Core Values

Academic Excellence
This value captures all aspects of our curriculum and the achievements of our pupils. We believe strongly that every child has the right to the very best education and deserves a curriculum that is fun, engaging and inspirational. We aim to be aspirational for our children. Academic excellence is about supporting every child to achieve, based on their stage of learning. It is not only about helping children break boundaries and reach or exceed expectations, but it is also about ensuring that any child, no matter what their background or barriers to learning may be, have the opportunity to be as successful as they can be and to have staff who act as cheerleaders and do everything they can to support their progress.

So important in all that we do, we believe that it is our responsibility to work with you as our parent community, to support all children in learning about respect, care and kindness to all. This aligns with our Unicef Rights Respecting agenda but is also embedded across our curriculum and through our assembly foci as we explore themes and ideas that celebrate diversity. We believe it is vital that children are taught to appreciate and celebrate all individuals, irrespective of race, gender, religion, background and sexual orientation. We want to celebrate our differences as well as our similarities.

Physical Well-Being
Supporting our children’s physical health is incredibly important. This involves the quality of sports provision on offer to our children, but also includes how we provide additional breaks for movement (e.g. the daily mile), time to play in our school grounds and how we promote our healthy schools agenda. We provide balanced and nutritious school meals and a full active lunchtime offer. We actively encourage car free travel to school, host school street closures, ask that children bring healthy snacks and provide fruit to all children in KS1 and EYFS.

Global Citizenship
This value encapsulates so much of the work we do with children teaching them about their place in the world and the impact that humans are having on our planet. Not only do we aim to ensure children have a grounded understanding of the history of our world and our place within it now, but also, their role as ambassadors, championing the environment and being aware of climate change and the impact this is having on our future. We aim to ensure children have an awareness of global events as they occur and are prepared to ask questions, develop perspectives, analyse and consider evidence and form their own opinions and arguments to support their journey on to future opportunities with confidence, compassion and awareness.

Mental Well-being and Mindset
A fundamental purpose of supporting children is to ensure that all pupils are happy, cared for and ultimately, feel safe, secure and confident in their surroundings. Without this, children will not thrive and we recognise that we have a large part to play in nurturing all children, supporting their mental health and enabling them to develop confidence, resilience and determination. Support can be offered to any family who needs it.

Creativity and the Arts
Supporting and nurturing creativity amongst our pupils is so important and something that resonates strongly within our very creative staff team. We aim to give all children the opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the arts, be it through dance, drama, music, art or design. We ensure that every child is part of a performance each year, we fund an artists to work across the school offering further opportunities to children.